
General information on rotating stage

As one of the many stage forms, the rotating stage provides the space for all kinds of performances, with the characteristics of its own, so that the audience can achieve the best viewing effect. For such a special stage, how much do you know?

Rotary stage can be made of one, can also be composed of multiple platforms, in addition to the rotation, and some also be able to achieve a high degree of lift. In particular, the stretching stage, which is a part of the forward and extended to the audience, so as to narrow the distance between the audience and stage. In order to realize the change of the stage form, the whole platform is covered with the design of the lifting platform.

The function of the rotary stage is more complete than the ordinary stage, including the lifting, rotating, tilting, and control the use of the lock, lock, travel switch and other protective measures to improve the safety of the stage. It is because of this, the rotating stage is becoming one of the most widely used equipment in the stage machinery, and has been widely used in various occasions.

More forms of stage for sale , can be found on the internet.

